The American Heritage Series

Discover the forgotten and astonishing story of our nation's foundation in the American Heritage Series. For centuries, Americans were taught a truthful view of history that recognized the Godly heroes and moral foundation our nation was founded upon. But in recent years, a new version of history has assaulted the moral and spiritual fiber of our nation, leaving the truth of our past eliminated and forgotten. Until today. From Separation of Church and State, to the Civil Rights Movement, the heroism of our founding Fathers to the building of our nation's monuments, this series will inspire every American to reclaim the Godly, true story of our nation.

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Original Name

The American Heritage Series

First Air Date

August 11, 2009

Last Air Date

August 11, 2009







Production Companies



When Freemen Shall Stand: The Duty of a Free Citizen

The United States government was founded upon the principle of shared power and responsibility between its separate branches. But what role, if any, does the common citizen have in the operation of government, and who did the founding fathers intend to hold our government accountable for its actions?

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