Ocean Girl

Ocean Girl is an Australian science fiction TV series aimed for family audiences and starring Marzena Godecki as the lead character. The show is set in the near future, and focuses on an unusual girl named Neri who lives alone on an island, and the friendships she develops with the inhabitants of an underwater research facility called ORCA. The show is an example of deep ecology science fiction.

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Original Name

Ocean Girl

First Air Date

August 29, 1994

Last Air Date

December 22, 1997







Production Companies


Network Ten


The Queen

Asleep on her island late at night, Neri has a vision of her mother, she tells Neri that it is ""her time"" but Neri admits that she is afraid of what is to come. On the Ocean Planet, Shersheba is taken prisoner by Garron, on Malakat's order, upon arriving. She tells Garron that she has brought the cure to the virus—but will only release it if she is recognized as their leader. Neri stops at ORCA to discuss with the Bates family her plans to go to the pyramid. Neri asks Helen, who has been in contact with the underwater pyramid, to ask it to allow her to enter the pyramid undetected. Through Helen, the pyramid directs Neri to the ""cave of light"" in the outback. In the underwater pyramid, Malakat orders the pyramid to destroy ORCA, but soon after Neri and Jason arrive and start the process to destroy the pyramid. Just as they are about to finish, Shalamorn enters the central chamber and retakes control of her pyramid.

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