Shane the Chef

Shane, an ambitious, energetic chef and his young daughter Izzy run a restaurant in the town of Munchington. Every day is a recipe for adventure for Shane and Izzy and each episode will focus on his high energy exploits and passion for food, whether it’s trying to build the biggest baguette for the world record, finding wild herbs in the woods or growing large vegetables for the village county fair.

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Created By

Ben Halliwell


Returning Series

Original Name

Shane the Chef

First Air Date

April 2, 2018

Last Air Date

April 2, 2018






Portuguese, Slovenian

Production Companies



Shane the Chef

Shane, an ambitious, energetic chef and his young daughter Izzy run a restaurant in the town of Munchington. Every day is a recipe for adventure for Shane and Izzy and each episode will focus on his high energy exploits and passion for food, whether it’s trying to build the biggest baguette for the world record, finding wild herbs in the woods or growing large vegetables for the village county fair.

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