
Follows the story of Luce, a young woman who is sent to a cult-like rehab facility called Sword & Cross to serve time for a crime she can't remember committing. Among the other residents, she encounters the enigmatic Daniel and exasperating but irresistible Cam, all of whom are under the watchful eye of the sinister chief doctor Howson, and devout twin sisters Miriam and Sophia. Luce must untangle the mystery of who she is and why she has a connection to Daniel that goes far back beyond their time in the institution

Created By

Lauren Kate


Returning Series

Original Name


First Air Date

August 12, 2024

Last Air Date

September 16, 2024








Sky Atlantic

Secrets and Shadows

Secrets and Shadows

Mourning Penn's death, Luce believes it was murder. The residents work together to get answers. Daniel confronts Miss Miriam, Cam confronts Howson, and Luce confronts Miss Sophia, who traps Luce in the library and sets it ablaze. Daniel rushes to help Luce escape, and the pair are reconciled. But Miss Sophia won't give up; she kidnaps Luce and drags her to a sacred altar in the woods. With Outcasts overrunning the facility, Daniel and the other residents fight their way to the woods to find Luce and become trapped in an epic showdown.

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