
Set in the backdrop of the mystical city of Varanasi, Asur follows Nikhil Nair, a forensic-expert-turned-teacher, who returns to his roots at the Central Bureau of Investigation, and along with his former mentor Dhananjay Rajpoot, finds himself caught in a cat-and-mouse game with a brutal serial killer. What follows is a blend of suspense, mythology and the murders of some people totally unrelated.

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March 29, 2020

A plot which plays with your mind. A plot which puts you into a sense of illusion. A series worth every second of your time.


April 17, 2020

_What a web series Must watch. The blend of Indian mythology with this makes it unique. Just watch it This will blow your mind _


December 28, 2023

An underbudget show , naoki urasawa monster vibes, greatly elevated by stellar writing and acting by the lead cast and younger version of the antagonist. The ending of season 2 feels anticlimatic, but still desrves all the praise fir the journety. It is great police procedural, with shallow philosophical underppining, greatly relies on paraphrasing ideas ,it would have been 9/10 if it had better philosophical core or the core conflict, 10/10 if it had better cinematography, didn't had asspull ending, and if it had a better actor playing antagonist older version. Overall a good one time watch.