The Weekenders

The Weekenders is a Disney animated series about the weekend life of four diverse 7th graders: Tino Tonitini, Lorraine McQuarrie, Carver Descartes, and Petratishkovna Katsufrakis, voiced by veteran cartoon voice-actors: Jason Marsden, Grey DeLisle, Phil LaMarr, and Kath Soucie, respectively. It is stated at least once that the four main characters are each twelve years old. The setting is the fictional town of Bahia Bay, California. The show was created by Doug Langdale, later creator of Disney Channel's Dave the Barbarian.

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Created By

Doug Langdale



Original Name

The Weekenders

First Air Date

February 26, 2000

Last Air Date

February 29, 2004








Tino's Dad

Tino's Dad is coming to spend the weekend, though to Tino's dismay, his father is planning the trip through visiting some of his old friends, since he doesn't think he's enough to keep Tino interested by himself. Meanwhile, Lor, Carver and Tish are trying to get enough money to go so a comedian's show. Will Tino be able to enjoy his time with his father and will the rest of the group be able to go see the show, or will all of their plans end in failure?

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