The Phoenix Team

The Phoenix Team was a Canadian drama series that aired on CBC Television in 1980. Starring Don Francks and Elizabeth Shepherd, the show featured eight one-hour adventure dramas centered on former spies drawn back into action by circumstance. Shepherd portrayed Valerie Koester, a British secret service agent who enlists the unofficial help of her ex-lover, David Brook, played by Francks. Once a top Canadian agent during the Cold War, Brook became disillusioned with high-tech espionage and was relegated to a desk job. Both Brook and Koester, known for their nonconformist attitudes, opposed the overly bureaucratic Graydon, played by Brian Linehan, and partnered with the sympathetic General, portrayed by Mavor Moore, head of the Canadian secret service.

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Created By

Stanley Colbert


Returning Series

Original Name

The Phoenix Team

First Air Date

February 10, 1980

Last Air Date

October 20, 1980







Production Companies


The Judas Game

After his girlfriend, a British agent, is killed in Hungary, a veteran agent disappears for three months. When he surfaces, he asks Brook for help, thinking that the Canadian authorities are pursuing him. When Brook tries to bring him into Canada safely, the agent is killed. Val is on the case as well, and Brook believes that she may be behind the whole affair.

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