The series follows the bittersweet relationship between a banchan shop owner whose daughter enters the war of Korea's college entrance exams, and a top hagwon instructor.
Nam Haeng-seon
Choi Chi-yeol
Kim Yeong-ju
Nam Jae-woo
Ji Dong-hui
Nam Hae-e
Jang Seo-jin
Cho Su-hui
Lee Mi-ok
Kang Jun-sang
Lee Sun-jae
Bang Su-a
Jang Dan-ji
Seo Geon-hu
Lee Hui-jae
Jin I-sang
Jeong Su-hyeon
Jeon Jong-ryeol
Director Jeong
Jin-su's mother
Young-min's mother
Lee Young-min
Bae Jeong-su
Detective Song
Jo Ga-yeon
Lee Hyo-won
Hyeon Seo-Jin