Montana Wild

Rugged mountains rising to 4.000 meters, dense conifer forests, glaciers, lakes and rivers… When it comes to nature, Montana is definitely one of the wildest American states. Yet, some people know the area better than anyone. Hunters, trappers or ranchers, they live where none of us could even imagine spending one day. Each episode of "Montana Wild" will bring you to the daily life of rural, funny and atypical characters. All of them were born and raised at the heart of the state and developed a kind of symbiotic link to the environment.

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Original Name

Montana Wild

First Air Date

January 1, 2018

Last Air Date

February 5, 2018






English, French

Production Companies


Episode 6

Episode 6

James, Ron and Kayl try to save a young calf. His mother seems disinterested in him and he's gotten too cold outside during the night. Without his mother's milk, the calf will die in just a few hours.

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