Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager

Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager is an American comedy fan web series created by Aaron Yonda and Matt Sloan, who write, direct and appear in the series, which parodies Star Wars. The show's central character is Chad Vader, the day-shift manager at the fictional supermarket Empire Market, who clashes with his customers and employees. Initially produced for Channel 101, the project was canceled after only two episodes were released. However, Yonda and Sloan decided to continue the story and the project achieved significant popularity following its airing on YouTube. It is largely filmed in Madison, Wisconsin at Willy Street Cooperative. The show has received several awards, including an Official Star Wars Fan Film Award.

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Created By


Returning Series

Original Name

Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager

First Air Date

June 25, 2006

Last Air Date

December 11, 2012







Production Companies



Chad Vader Dies

Chad Vader Dies

The generator is still acting up and Chad still doesn't want to deal with it, and ends up making the generator off limits. Jeremy and Jimmy decide to team up and work on the generator. Unfortunately, they get caught by Chad. Jeremy can't fix the generator, and Chad finally thinking that he is incompetent. Unfortunately, Chad is electrocuted and is dying. Chad hallucinates and sees his younger self playing in a field. He is brought back. Once he recovers, he has a staff meeting with the entire Empire Market staff. Where some major changes happen.

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