Just Cause

Just Cause is an award-winning Canadian legal drama television series produced by Mind's Eye Entertainment. Filming was done in Vancouver, British Columbia but the series is set in San Francisco, California.

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Original Name

Just Cause

First Air Date

September 15, 2002

Last Air Date

May 18, 2003








The Closing

Whitney helps Stanton close on the family business but the firm has until 5pm to do it. The papers are on the table ready to sign Alex tells the family that after the papers are signed they will help drop the charges against Tucker. Heller has trouble getting the Judge to sign the order for the sale to go through. Patrick finally gets the Judge to sign the order but the Judge forgets to sign a page after Patrick looks to make sure all pages are signed. Mr. Lewitt gets angry because he would lose the market share if he doesn't get Malbeery Brands (a cereal company) Alex asks CJ Leon to look in to rumors that Malbeery Brands used genetically altered wheat in their cereals. Stanton is talking with tucker who says Stanton made Marshall (Tucker's dad) kill himself. Malberry Brands isn't going to sold for 60 days.

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