Tomica Hero: Rescue Fire

Tomica Hero: Rescue Fire is a Japanese tokusatsu television series based on Takara Tomy's Tomica toy car line. A sequel to Tomica Hero: Rescue Force, Rescue Fire tells of another branch of the United Fire-Defense Agency that helps save people from Super-Fire created by demons seeking to make people suffer. This series marks the beginning as well as an end of a program franchise dubbed the Tomica Hero Series. The Tomica Hero story was concluded in the special stage production Nissan Haul Special Live Stage FINAL that featured the return of Obuchi, a new R4, and the return of the original R4.

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Kara İnci

Kara İnci


El mundo de Juan Lobón

El mundo de Juan Lobón


Alkhatar Ma'hum

Il Figlio di Sandokan

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi

Look Mai Lark See



Space Strikers

Space Strikers

Sami And Cassie

Ngao Pray

Ngao Pray

The New Adventures of Nanoboy

The New Adventures of Nanoboy

World of WESS (World Enduro Super Series (WESS))

World of WESS (World Enduro Super Series (WESS))

Ruk Sood Fah Lah Sood Lok

Ruk Sood Fah Lah Sood Lok

Professiya - Sledovatel

The Brave Ones

The Brave Ones


The Sword of Romance

The Sword of Romance




Tribulation of Myriad Races


On the Run