Iron Chef

Iron Chef is a Japanese television cooking show produced by Fuji Television. The series, which premiered on October 10, 1993, is a stylized cook-off featuring guest chefs challenging one of the show's resident "Iron Chefs" in a timed cooking battle built around a specific theme ingredient. The series ended on September 24, 1999, although occasional specials were produced until 2002. The series aired 309 episodes. Repeats are regularly aired on the Cooking Channel in the United States and on Special Broadcasting Service in Australia. Fuji TV will air a new version of the show, titled Iron Chef, beginning in October 26, 2012.

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Created By



Original Name

Iron Chef

First Air Date

October 10, 1993

Last Air Date

October 8, 1999






English, Japanese

Production Companies


Food Network

King Of Iron Chefs Tournament Final 3

King Of Iron Chefs Tournament Final 3

Alain Passard vs. Sakai, the winner of the King of the Iron Chef Tournament. The theme is Longgang Chicken. The challenger for this final Kitchen Stadium battle has been here before. He competed against Iron Chef Komei Nakamura in the 1997 Iron Chef World Cup. That battle ended in a tie. Chairman Kaga has invited him back to take care of this unfinished business. This chef is called the best in the world by some. He is a three star chef from France. He began cooking at 8 years old. This will a very tough challenge for the Iron Chef.

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