The Waiting Room

A 'runaway' homeless man, once a renowned athlete, finds himself marooned in the small, snow-covered town of Zarechensk. Victor lands a job at an orphanage, where he soon meets a young teacher who becomes both a compassionate friend and the love of his life. However, fate doesn't play out simply as good or bad; it unfolds in a way that makes the hero realize one cannot run away from oneself. Consequently, it is in Zarechensk that a train carrying a film crew from the capital, on their way back to Moscow, is compelled to delay their journey for a few days. Remarkably, Zarechensk becomes the place where a director finally discovers the perfect actress for his leading role and encounters a man who has fled from her love. Meanwhile, a producer makes the ultimate decision to select this town as the filming location for her upcoming movie.

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Original Name

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First Air Date

March 16, 1998

Last Air Date

March 26, 1998







Production Companies



Channel One


Episode 10

The drama reaches its peak with Victor's false accusation of terrorism leading to his arrest. Kostya, showing significant personal growth, sobers up and makes amends with Alexei Starkov. Sveta, after a period of confusion, comes to terms with the reality of her situation with Karetnikov, marking her emotional maturity. The story wraps up the intricate web of relationships among the characters, each facing their future with newfound understanding and resilience.

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