Blue SWAT is the thirteenth installment in the Metal Hero Series. It ran from January 30, 1994 to January 27, 1995 for a total of 51 episodes and one theatrical film, aired as part of the 1994 Manga Matsuri, which compiled episodes 1 and 2. Blue SWAT devitated from the Metal Hero trend by using a realistic vibe for the series instead of fantastic, over-the-top action by focusing on the martial arts and gunplay aspects of the series. While the mood of the series appealled to the genre's adult fanbase and older viewers, the show wasn't well received by children, which resulted in a change in to a lighter tone midway through the series. The Blue SWAT team later appeared for a special team-up in the final episodes of Juukou B-Fighter.

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The Sword of Romance


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بوجي وطمطم

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O Cometa

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Phitsawat Kham Phop

Toninho on the Rocks

Toninho on the Rocks