Man V Expert

Is it ever possible to shortcut your way to the top? Let's find out in Man v Expert.

Each week, hustler Alexis Conran takes on three intense challenges, against world-class experts, to see if he can find a way to beat them at their own game - without going through years of hard work and training. In any normal head-to-head contest, Alexis wouldn’t stand a chance, but he travels the world to look into science and technology, and occasionally calls on his trickster know-how in an attempt to come out on top.

During the series, Alexis sees a childhood dream come to fruition when he feels the pressure of a penalty shootout against the Premier League’s greatest-ever penalty taker, Matt Le Tissier. He also hops behind the wheel in his hometown, challenging London’ s legendary black cab drivers and their knowledge of the city to a race across the capital, and attempts to row his way to victory in a one-on-one kayak race against a five-time European and 11-time Slovakian champion.

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Created By


Returning Series

Original Name

Man V Expert

First Air Date

September 5, 2015

Last Air Date

October 10, 2015







Production Companies




Episode 6

How well do you know your city? Well enough to beat a local taxi driver in a race across town? In this episode, Alexis hops behind the wheel in London, and challenges its legendary black cab drivers and their knowledge of the city to a race across the capital. Then, with the odds stacked against him in unknown territory, he attempts to out-smart a professional tracker and his team of sniffer dogs in America’s Blue Ridge Mountain Range. Once this ultimate evasion challenge is over, Alexis needs to win against a grandmaster of memory. But who will come out on top - man or expert?

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