Power Rangers

A team of teenagers with attitude are recruited to save Angel Grove from the evil witch, Rita Repulsa, and later, Lord Zedd, Emperor of all he sees, and their horde of monsters.

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June 26, 2021

A childhood classic!


August 25, 2023

Rating and reviewing Power Rangers as a whole is such a bizarre prospect. Casts and plotlines change nearly every year, property ownership has been inconsistent, and there are even a few different timelines at this point. Quality between seasons thus varies wildly and even beyond that, it exist as an "adaptation" of the popular Japanese series Super Sentai. Do we examine the quality of each season in a vacuum? If so, Time Force is one of the strongest seasons, but then again, it's so similar to the slightly superior Timeranger that maybe something like Lost Galaxy is more valuable.

Do we judge quality overall, even when seasons can be easily ignored? If so, Power Rangers is pretty bad. But then again, so is The Simpsons. The Neo-Saban era was a disaster: Samurai, Megaforce, and Ninja Steel are among the worst television seasons to ever hit a screen, and Dino Charge could be generously called "ok." But RPM is amazing and it can be enjoyed independent from all other seasons. In Space rules so much it retroactively adds value to hundreds of subpar episodes that came before it. Dino Thunder is a legacy season done well. There are high highs and low lows and some of them require each other and some don't. Power Rangers is a _weird_ series.

We're currently in the Hasbro era now. And it's alright. Beast Morphers was far from perfect but it was also proof that the new owners had at least a basic respect for the property. Dino Fury was mostly fine too. Neither hit the heights of the post-Zardon and Disney eras. But they were cute.

There are too many issues with this series to call it "good." Yet there are too many things I love about it for me to call it outright bad. So I'm giving it a 6/10. Below, I've scored each series. With the exception of MMPR through In Space, you can jump in anywhere and basically ignore anything. Callbacks exist but aren't huge. If it's a 7 or above, I think it's good! 5 and 6 are fine/mixed! 4 and below is rough!

1. **Mighty Morphin Power Rangers** (Seasons 1-3 + Alien Rangers) - **4/10**

2. **Zeo** - **6/10**

3. **Turbo** - **3/10**

4. **In Space** - **8/10**

5. **Lost Galaxy** - **7/10**

6. **Lightspeed Rescue** - **6/10**

7. **Time Force** - **7/10**

8. **Wild Force** - **5/10**

9. **Ninja Storm** - **6/10**

10. **Dino Thunder** - **7/10**

11. **S.P.D.** - **7/10**

12. **Mystic Force** - **4/10**

13. **Operation Overdrive** - **2/10**

14. **Jungle Fury** - **6/10**

15. **RPM** - **9/10** (Even if you think Power Rangers is dumb as hell, you should check this one out. It exists on its own timeline and is basically the campy quirk of Buffy the Vampire Slayer channeled through a Mad Max/Terminator plot.)

16. **Samurai/Super Samurai** - **2/10**

17. **Megaforce/Super Megaforce** - **1/10** (Yeah it's real bad, please just watch Gokaiger.)

18. **Dino Charge/Super Dino Charge** - **5/10**

19. **Ninja Steel/Super Ninja Steel** - **2/10**

20. **Beast Morphers** - **6/10**

21. **Dino Fury** - **5/10**

    Reviews - Power Rangers