Journey to the enchanted land of Equestria, where unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her pals have adventures and learn valuable lessons about friendship.
Twilight Sparkle (voice)
Pinkie Pie / Fluttershy (voice)
Rainbow Dash / Applejack (voice)
Rarity / Princess Luna / Granny Smith / Mrs. Cake (voice)
Spike / Mayor Mare (voice)
Apple Bloom (voice)
Sweetie Belle (voice)
Scootaloo (voice)
Princess Celestia / Cheerilee (voice)
Big McIntosh (voice)
Zecora (voice)
Diamond Tiara (voice)
Silver Spoon (voice) / Pinkie Pie (singing)
Mr. Cake (voice)
Twilight Sparkle (singing)
Rarity (singing)