
A South African Supermarionation children's television show about an undercover planetary defence agency operating from Cape Town under the guise of an interstellar shipping company. The show mirrored the real world political issues of international isolation facing Apartheid South Africa with the Earth being depicted as a galactic pariah of the "Interplanetary League" due to its cold war with the planet "Krokon". The villain in the series was depicted by Prince Karnati or his evil henchmen.

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Kapitan Awesome

Offenbach: Les Contes D'Hoffman

Walking in Circles

Walking in Circles

Super Inggo 1.5: Ang Bagong Bangis

Murder and the Android

Attacks From The Future: Rinoplasticos

Komiks Presents: Flash Bomba


Kara İnci

Kara İnci


Mary's Incredible Dream

The Brigade of the Evil

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi


Romana and Brtal

Romana and Brtal


Promise of Wizard

Promise of Wizard


Nano List

The Boundless Bright Moon

Sea of Dreams

Sea of Dreams