Air Aces

Air Aces is a Cineflix produced series that airs on History channel in Canada. The series originally aired in the UK titled Heroes of the Skies on September 20, 2012. The series premiered in Canada as Air Aces on January 7, 2013 on History and will also air on Military Channel in 2013. The show tells the stories of the most heroic airborne combat missions in history. The series uses real vintage aircraft and re-creates mid-air combat sequences. Featuring Spitfires, Lancaster bombers, and Phantom fighters and aerial stunt teams, the series dramatizes the exploits of the world's greatest Air Aces. The series also features interviews with the last surviving veterans and military historians and rare archival footage.

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Original Name

Air Aces

First Air Date

September 20, 2012

Last Air Date

January 28, 2013







Production Companies

Cineflix Productions



Robin Olds

In July 1966, North Vietnam's fleet of MiG-21s was hammering the US Air Force, and the embattled men of the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing need a hero to whip them into shape. Enter Colonel Robin Olds, a WWII veteran airman, who charges in and commands respect.

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