One Summer

"One Summer to Remember."

One Summer is a 1983 British television drama serial written by Willy Russell and directed by Gordon Flemyng. It stars David Morrissey and Spencer Leigh as two 16 year old Liverpool boys from broken homes who escape from their lives by running away to Wales one summer. It also starred James Hazeldine and Ian Hart. The series was shown in five 50-minute episodes on Channel 4 from 7 August to 4 September 1983. It was later repeated on ITV in April 1985.

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Created By

Willy Russell



Original Name

One Summer

First Air Date

August 7, 1983

Last Air Date

September 4, 1983







Production Companies


Channel 4


Episode 5

After arguing with Billy, Icky returns to Liverpool. Billy and Jo's romance blossoms. Back in Liverpool Rabbit and the gang find themselves caught in an ambush by the Swanjacks gang, and Rabbit accidentally stabs one of the boys. Icky abandons the gang at the Southport fair and tries to drive back to Wales, but in his flight back, he is chased by a police car for evading the freeway toll, and tragedy occurs. Back in Wales Billy is shocked to learn why Kidder has become a recluse, but when the police arrive to take Billy back to Liverpool, Billy comes back to defend Kidder.

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