Living Lohan is an American reality television series that debuted on E! on May 26, 2008. The series aired for a total of nine episodes, ending its run on July 27, 2008.
In the season finale of "Living Lohan," Ali's shot at stardom is on the line as she lands an audition for the producers of a big Hollywood movie. But with less than 24 hours to prepare for the part, Ali is stressed out and fears she won't be able to focus on learning her lines. Will she end up blowing her big opportunity by letting her nerves get the best of her? Meanwhile, Michael is torn between two loved ones when Cody and Nina battle it out for his affection. Who will come out on top? And finally, after weeks of waiting, Ali and Dina hear the final mix of Ali's first single "All the Way Around," but will they be happy with what they hear?