The Lot

The Lot is a 30 minute dramedy series that aired for 2 seasons and 16 episodes on the AMC from 1999 to 2001. It profiled the fictional studio Sylver Screen Pictures during the 1930s and the pursuits of its classic stars. The show was met with neither popular nor critical success but Jeffrey Tambor, Rue McClanahan, Linda Cardellini and Michael York all had notable recurring roles.

The Lot also refers to a studio lot in Hollywood, California which was known for years as the Samuel Goldwyn Studio.

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Created By



Original Name

The Lot

First Air Date

August 19, 1999

Last Air Date

April 22, 2001







Production Companies




Property of Sylver Screen

Rachel, having grown tired of mediocre roles in her films threatens to walk out on Sylver Screen Pictures. Leo calms her down and promises her the lead in a major new film, but she is infuriated when she discovers that the part has gone to Barbara Stanwyck instead. In a bitter confrontation, Rachel informs Leo that she's walking, but Leo responds by telling her that her contract is ironclad and that she can't get work anywhere without his permission. Meanwhile, the lead part in Rachel's current picture falls to Norma, who tortures Charlie with dozens of re-write notes, and Victor takes Fabian under his wing in order to get him into good physical shape for the company picnic.

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