Star Trek: Hidden Frontier

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier was a Star Trek fan film project. Produced on digital video, the show's sets are almost completely virtual, using a green-screen chroma keyed process to place performers into virtual settings.

The series is set during the era of the Star Trek: The Next Generation series. Episodes revolve around the starship USS Excelsior, and its home base, Deep Space 12, which is located in the Briar Patch, a region of space introduced in the film Star Trek: Insurrection.

Hidden Frontier has produced 50 episodes, and focuses on character relationships, including gay and lesbian characters and subplots.

Produced by Rob Caves, Hidden Frontier ran for seven seasons and was produced by volunteers in Southern California. The final episode of the series aired in May 2007. Two new spin-offs, Star Trek: Odyssey and Star Trek: The Helena Chronicles, also produced by Rob Caves, take place shortly after the end of Hidden Frontier.

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Original Name

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier

First Air Date

January 1, 2000

Last Air Date

June 1, 2007






Production Companies



Its Hour Come Round At Last

The stunning conclusion to the Star Trek: Hidden Frontier series. The Station is under siege by the Grey once more, as the crew of the USS Helena struggle to catch Siroc before he arrives at the Dyson Sphere. While the battle rages outside, Shelby and Lefler are leading a skeleton crew of 93 in a desperate ploy to restore the USS Excelsior and rejoin the fight to protect the station's civilians. With time completely gone, all hope lies in Admiral Knapp, Martinez, Jorian (Zen) Dao, Corey Aster and Jenna McFarland being able to figure out how to use the Hybrid ship; but things are far more different - and deadly - than they seem. With Ro as their captive and unwilling source of the technical data needed, Siroc and Betras arrive on the Dyson Sphere, and Siroc will stop at nothing to get to the secrets of the Dyson Sphere. Tolian Naros, along with Faisal, Henglaar, Elbrey, and others also arrive to try to rescue Ro Nevin and stop Siroc from bringing on the potential destruction of the universe.

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