Strange Story

This story is not a love story, neither a horror/ comedy story. For the first time, experience a Strange Story between our Protagonist, his ambitions and GOD. Yes God! One night while cursing GOD for all the mishappenings in his life, our protagonist Prakash; an ambitious young man staying in Mumbai and working in an AD Agency gets his strange wish fulfilled. Little he knew that this will turn out to be the biggest mistake in his life. This Prakash vs. Society is certainly a delight to watch while leaving the audience with a meaningful message.

Created By


Returning Series

Original Name

Strange Story

First Air Date

April 8, 2020

Last Air Date

May 6, 2020







Production Companies


The Beginning

Prakash is on the hospital bed or maybe his death bed too! Where will life take him now? To a new beginning or to the death but wait...What is this chaos? Why is everyone here and what are they doing?

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