The Comey Rule

"Whatever side you're on, you only know half the story."

An immersive, behind-the-headlines account of the historically turbulent events surrounding the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath, which divided a nation. This two-part biopic tells the story of two powerful figures, Comey and Trump, whose strikingly different personalities, ethics and loyalties put them on a collision course.

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Peter McGinn

Peter McGinn@narrator56

September 22, 2022

I havent’ read Comey’s book but I followed the events described as they happened and I think it is a fairly accurate depiction of what happened. I wouldn’t be shocked, however, if there is a slight bias baked in to make Comey look better. We are all the stars of our own lives and it is his book after all.

The show was somewhat entertaining and it connected a few dots for me, such as with the side story of the two FBI agents who the defeated president tried to humiliate on stage during his rallies by simulating what he perceived as a sex scene which, now that I think about it, might suggest why he had to pay for expensive prostitutes himself. I hadn’t been sure how they fit in with the overall arc of events.

Of course, 30% of this country’s voters no doubt hated the five minutes they watched of this program, and I will say it is hardly a cinematic masterpiece or a story that really needed to be told, but like I said above, it did fill in a few blanks for me and saved me reading the book, so I guess I am glad I got to see it. So if someday the book is banned like Huckleberry Finn and other dangerous documents, I won’t have completely missed out on its message, such as it is.