Miss Match

Miss Match is a 2003 American television series created by Jeff Rake and Darren Star and produced by Twentieth Century Fox, Darren Star Productions and Imagine Entertainment. It aired in the U.S. on NBC, Australia on Network Seven, Arena and FOX8, and in the UK on Living, Channel 4 and is currently on E4. The series filmed at least 18 episodes but only 8 aired in the US. The entire series aired in both the UK & Canada.

Starring Alicia Silverstone and Ryan O'Neal, the show garnered poor ratings, which could have been due to its inability to compete in the Friday 8pm ET timeslot. It was based on the real-life story of Samantha Daniels.

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Created By

Darren Star



Original Name

Miss Match

First Air Date

September 26, 2003

Last Air Date

December 15, 2003







Production Companies




Who's Sari Now?

Kate Fox is hired by Rashmi, a young Indian woman, to find her a viable suitor so that she can avoid having to marry Sanjay, the man to whom she has been promised to by her parents since the age of six. Kate makes a valiant effort despite the interference of the overbearing Indian matchmaker and the challenge that any suitor must be deemed astrologically compatible, but Rashmi ultimately resigns herself to the arrangement. However, on their wedding day, the perfect candidate presents himself and Kate can't help but intervene. Meanwhile, Kate and Nick begin the divorce proceedings for Lauren, Michael's ex, only to be blind sided in court with evidence that Lauren's unrequited feelings for Michael may have been behind the break-up.

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