Fiery Loyalty and Soul: The Lone Bodyguard

Set in 1582 during the Ming Dynasty, the series follows Zhong Yuan, the chief imperial bodyguard, as he investigates a series of mysterious events in Beijing. These include the disappearance of the imperial treasury's silver, the escape of notorious criminals, and the emergence of the "Jiangyang Eight," a group of highly skilled thieves. As Zhong Yuan delves deeper, he uncovers a conspiracy involving the corrupt eunuch Feng Bao and strives to protect the emperor and the realm from internal threats.

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Ain't That Life

Holy Shit

Ariadne no Dangan

The Name of Police

The Name of Police


Il commissario De Vincenzi

Il commissario De Vincenzi

The Vampira Show


Crawford Mystery Theatre

As You Stood By

Nate’s Mysteries

Hustlin Boy

Hustlin Boy



Drifting Net Cafe

Dow Hour of Great Mysteries

Out to Win

Ngao Pray

Ngao Pray

The Balance

The Balance


Ruk Sood Fah Lah Sood Lok

Ruk Sood Fah Lah Sood Lok

