
Laredo is an American Western television series that aired on NBC from September 16, 1965, to April 7, 1967. Laredo stars Neville Brand, William Smith, Peter Brown, and Philip Carey as Texas Rangers. It is set on the Mexican border about Laredo, Texas. The program was produced by Universal Television.

The pilot episode of Laredo aired on NBC's The Virginian under the title, "We've Lost a Train". It was released theatrically in 1969 under the title Backtrack. Three episodes from the first season of the series were edited into the 1968 feature film Three Guns for Texas.

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Original Name


First Air Date

September 16, 1965

Last Air Date

April 7, 1967







Production Companies

Universal Television




Split the Difference

Captain Parmalee receives an invitation to the reading of Jake Ringo's will, a man he arrested who has been hanged. Parmalee will be the only law officer amongst a who's who of criminals that includes Linda Littletrees. Chad and Joe, who Linda has feelings for, are to accompany Parmalee but Chad convinces Erik that Linda is like Pocahontas and he takes Joe's place. The meeting place is the Halfway Mansion which has the America-Mexico Border line running right down the middle of the house. The will states that the money gets split evenly among everyone, as long as they are alive. Since this is a group that already hates each other Captain Parmalee, Chad and Eric have their hands full as they try to stay alive, arrest those they can and return the $75,000.

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