
Heir of an old famous family of exorcist, Keika You is stricken by poverty after losing his parents. He struggles as a street fortune teller and computer recovery part timer to earn money. One night in a junkyard, he meets the mysterious yet charismatic exorcist, Ki Tanmoku, fighting an evil spirit. This encounter is the beginning of a fated story for Keika You. Unfortunately for him, he was actually hit by a car and became a ghost. That was when the handsome exorcist Ki appeared and asked Keika to make a "pact" with him to fight evil spirits together. Here starts the friendship of our heroes!

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Original Name


First Air Date

June 21, 2016

Last Air Date

May 11, 2018







Production Companies

Haoliners Animation


Episode 12

With his spiritual powers being sealed, Ki is unable to defend himself and Keika does his best to keep In Tetsu and the rest of the hypnotized youkai at bay, but Sekijin's plan seems to be succeeding. Jiun shows up just in time to help and helps turn the tide. Sekijin, in a last desperate move, tries to use his hypnosis spell on Keika but it backfires and he is surrounded by Ouyou You, Shin Shiyou, and the rest of the noble families surrounding the Tanmoku family.

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