Christmas on Vesterbro

Christmas has brought blessings - just not to Stewart Stardust. Someone has sabotaged the engine of his hot dog cart, and it's at the worst possible time. Danny has just been released on parole, and the social worker Arne demands that someone can provide for him - otherwise he will go back to the trap. As if that wasn't enough, the caretaker Greta threatens to put Stewart on the street if he doesn't pay his rent promptly. Fortunately, Kefir the Arab shows up and he wants to fix the hot dog cart for free. It is immediately a good offer, but what interest would he have in a sausage van standing in front of Christiansborg? And can you really repair an engine with the warhead from a Russian SS-20 nuclear missile?

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Original Name

Jul på Vesterbro

First Air Date

December 1, 2003

Last Air Date

December 24, 2003







Production Companies

Easy Film




24. December - Juleafslutning

Greta fortaeller om Danmarks renhed. Hun spiser en af Stewarts poelser og vil derefter tvinge Kefir til også at spise en. Grete doer af madforgiftning inden Kefir når at smage. Politiet stormer nu endelig kaelderen og Stewart kan endelig holde jul med Danny, Randi og Arne. Julefreden saenker sig over Vesterbro. Men saa gaar Stewart i kaelderen efter roedkaal.

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