The Immortal Legend

During the night of July 12 in 1917, plenty of strange visions appeared, such as sun and moon shined together, waves and tides turned continually and so on. Dense clouds started darkening the sky, while buildings collapsed one after another in a sudden. In a while, the whole world fell into a crisis. Three grave-robbing aristocratic family, Zhang, Han, Cao, joint hands to solve this huge puzzle and save the world. Among them, the young master, Zhang Tianqi, who was kind and honest, with his team, had suffered from a lot of troubles in order to save the world in danger, and then finally figure out the Loulan Kingdom’s secret. Loulan, with thousand years’ secrets, had a grand and treacherous tomb, which almost dragged the team into death. So, what’s the relationship between the mysterious visions and the Louland tomb? A story across millenniums is now beginning...

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First Air Date

September 19, 2017

Last Air Date

December 2, 2019







Episode 15

Episode 15

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