
The Snorks is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera which ran on NBC from September 15, 1984, to May 13, 1989. Although not as popular as the animated series The Smurfs, the program continued to be available in syndication from 1986 to 1989 as part of The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera's 3rd season, on USA Network in the late-1980s and early-1990s, on the BBC in the late 1990s, and from 2009–2011 and again from 2012–Present on Boomerang.

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Created By

Nic Broca



Original Name


First Air Date

September 15, 1984

Last Air Date

January 14, 1989










My Dinner with Allstar

All-Star finds a golden lamp, and Bigweed swipes it from him. A giant genie pops out and sucks them in a vortex. They enter a Wonderland where they hear cheerful music from a tuner fish. Then, a smidgen with a GIANT appetite follows them and they get sucked in a slow motion tide. When they get out, they meet the Genie and they run into a cave with the Tunerfish. Bigweed rests in a whale's mouth and they run when they realize that and falls into another vortex. They land in a place of mirrors where Bigweed steals All-Star's lamp. They break out, only to see that the tunerfish has brought them seahorses. All-Star and Bigweed come to a kelpburger stand. They meet a weird maitre 'd who gets them free food, but he's out of everything. When they eat, they put the lamp togteher, but a crab takes it apart. Bigweed grabs the piece out of the crab's claws. They find out that some of these creatures have been chasing them because of the lamp. They dress up as harem girls to see what is up. The ma

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