Black Dynamite

Black Dynamite is an American animated television series based on the 2009 film of the same name, although the series follows a separate continuity, with some back-references to the film. The series was announced shortly after the release of the film, the 10-minute pilot episode was released on Adult Swim Video on August 8, 2011, and the full series premiered on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim, on July 15, 2012. Michael Jai White, Byron Minns, Tommy Davidson and Kym Whitley reprise their film roles as Black Dynamite, Bullhorn, Cream Corn and Honeybee, respectively.

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Original Name

Black Dynamite

First Air Date

July 15, 2012

Last Air Date

January 10, 2015







Production Companies

TitmouseWilliams Street


Adult Swim

'The Wizard of Watts' or 'Oz Ain't Got S&@# On The Wiz'

'The Wizard of Watts' or 'Oz Ain't Got S&@# On The Wiz'

Black Dynamite, during a riot in the neighborhood, gets hit in the head with a brick and goes to the land of Oz-Watts, where everybody is needing his help. But between getting Scarecorn some game, Lionhorn a muzzle and Tin Bee a set of balls, he has to bring down the Pig Chief, The Wicked Bitch of the West Side and reach the Great and Powerful Motherf@$%er’s palace, or he’ll never get home.

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