Strange Love

Strange Love is a reality series featuring Brigitte Nielsen and Flavor Flav that aired on VH1. Sparked by their on-screen romance in the third season of VH1's The Surreal Life, it is a spin-off that focused solely on Brigitte and Flav. The series premièred on January 9, 2005 and ended its run on April 24, 2005.

Due to mutual jealousy, the couple was constantly fighting and yelling, and they went their separate ways in the end, with Nielsen choosing instead to live with her Italian boyfriend, Mattia Dessi. Flavor Flav would go on to have his own reality show, Flavor of Love, where he continued to search for love.

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Original Name

Strange Love

First Air Date

January 9, 2005

Last Air Date

April 24, 2005







Production Companies




Reunion Special

This special episode of Strange Love reunites Flavor Flav and Brigitte Nielsen for a weekend press tour in New York City. Since their last meeting, in Los Angeles at the VH1 Big In '04 awards, Brigitte and Flav have not been on speaking terms. The first night in New York, their relationship devolves into a bitter argument that leaves Brigitte alone in the hotel suite and Flav storming off into the night. The next day they have to do a radio tour and several TV appearances together. They are also given the opportunity to watch the first cut of the final episode of Strange Love. Will seeing their old romance on the big screen bring back old feelings for the two lovers or is their love truly too strange to last?

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