Anak Merdeka

Narrative the life of three companions - Salleh, Boon and Devi - from the time of Malaysia struggling for independence to the 21st century. Deployed at a fun party, where all the three friends who first met, their story journey expressed their ties with the historical events and important events of our country for the past 60 years. Their story is the story of the nation.

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Created By


Returning Series

Original Name

Anak Merdeka

First Air Date

August 26, 2017

Last Air Date

August 31, 2017






Mandarin, Malay, Tamil

Production Companies



Episode 6

After recovering from an injury, 69 year old Salleh is now forced to stay with his watchful son. Wanting to regain his sense of independence, Salleh sneaks away and drags Boon and Devi on a road trip to Mersing, but little do they know what the 2014 East Coast floods have in store for them.

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