Theater Mode

Achievement Hunter is determined to sit through some of the worst movies ever made, and they want you to suffer with them.

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Returning Series

Original Name

Theater Mode

First Air Date

April 29, 2016

Last Air Date

June 28, 2019






Production Companies

Theater Mode AUX: Doom

Theater Mode AUX: Doom

Join Jack, Michael, Jeremy, and Ryan in this bonus episode of Theater Mode AUX, on their search for the reason behind making a movie about Doom. Bones and Dwayne “The Pebble” Johnson search for Gone Girl and try to uncover what bad CGI monster is doing to the people on Mars. What’s Theater Mode AUX? AUX episodes are commentary only episodes, which means we bring the comedy and you bring the movie. You can find Doom (Theatrical Version) on popular streaming services like Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play, or iTunes.

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