Binoy Henyo

Binoy Henyo or Wonder Kid is a Filipino drama-comedy television series created and developed by Marlon Miguel and produced by GMA Network. The show premiered on July 22, 2013 on the network's pre-primetime slot, replacing Home Sweet Home, and on July 24, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It stars David Remo as the titular character, with Sheena Halili, Luis Alandy, Nova Villa and Gwen Zamora. Winnie Hollis-Reyes executive produced the series and Albert Langitan directed the show. The series concluded it's nine weeks on September 20, 2013 with the total of 45 episodes and replaced by Prinsesa ng Buhay Ko on its timeslot.

The forty-five minute scripted drama centers on the titular character, Binoy, a six-year-old genius boy and his struggles with poverty and his longing for a father figure in his life. The show garnered both high ratings and positive feedback from viewers and critics, from its premiere telecast.

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Created By

Marlon Miguel



Original Name

Binoy Henyo

First Air Date

July 22, 2013

Last Air Date

September 20, 2013






English, Tagalog

Production Companies

GMA Entertainment Group


GMA Network


Episode 45

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