is a short-lived American TV show on USA Network. The show featuring the "IT" musical artists of the moment and promoting unsigned bands through national exposure and website interaction. The show featured moments such as the return of N.W.A., with Snoop Dogg filling in for the late Eazy-E. signed artists to real record deals and puts their albums out through partnerships with Interscope, Def Jam, Universal, and other labels. The unsigned artists were selected from viewer votes from their website of the same name. Hosted by model/actress and former Miss USA 1996 Ali Landry and former MTV VJ Matt Pinfield, the show's label signed artists such as: Detroit rap artist Alley Life, British DJ Sonique, Dynamite Hack and Sev. The exposure also helped other bands obtain mass audience appeal leading to subsequent record deals such as Dog Fashion Disco and Spine. had a short lived partnership with Extreme Championship Wrestling in late 2000.

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