The Thirsty Traveler

The Thirsty Traveler, hosted by Kevin Brauch, is a weekly journey into the heart of the world's greatest wine, beer, and spirit producing regions. Each episode explores the land, people, production, companies, customs, traditions, food, and stories connected with the alcoholic beverage that a region is known for.

The Thirsty Traveler was created by Susan Cardinal and produced by Grasslands Entertainment.

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Created By


Returning Series

Original Name

The Thirsty Traveler

First Air Date

August 31, 2003

Last Air Date

November 20, 2006






Production Companies



Turkey: Lion's Milk

Livin' On Lion's Milk Now, one might not initially think of the Turks as imbibers of precious alcoholic spirits. Not so, my friends. Here from ancient ruins of Troy to the lush vineyards of Izmir to mosques and bazaars of Istanbul, the Thirsty Traveler soon discovers Turkey’s rich traditions associated with liquor, and the Turks’ fondness for one very special home-grown spirit - raki. This deliciously sweet cousin to Greek ouzo and French pastis is a Turkish staple when sharing good times with friends and family. The question is, however, how much Lion’s Milk can the Thirsty Traveler down?

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