
Gokudo is an adventurer by heart, his only goals being to get all the money and hot babes in the world. After being told by an old hag in a local bar that an evil king seeks to harm him, he is set forth unknowingly on a hilarious adventure filled with a gender changing genie, demon prince, and sword wielding enemies galore. The story thickens later on when Gokudo and friends find out the real reason for their series of events.

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Original Name


First Air Date

April 2, 1999

Last Air Date

September 24, 1999







Production Companies

Pioneer LDC


TV TokyoAT-X

See Ya, Everybody! Nobody Can Stop Me Now!

See Ya, Everybody! Nobody Can Stop Me Now!

And to tie things up well and good, in this final episode we engage in a bit of full-circle-ism with our heroes getting to revisit early 'throwaway' characters Seigi and Asuga, not to mention Indra (you remember, the guardian god of the Buddha people from episode 11) coming back to take his revenge upon the gang for their destruction of Inaho a few discs back. Despite Granny's intervention (taking on yet another of her 'I feel pretty' forms), Gokudo, Rubette, and Niari (who finally regains his full repertoire of magical tricks) manage to make short work of their adversary, and look set to embark upon new adventures of their own.

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