El Gran Show is a dance reality show airing on América Televisión in Perú hosted by Gisela Valcárcel. Every season, celebrities and amateur dancers are paired up. Celebrities have included actors/actresses, models, singers, athletes, teen heartthrobs, television hosts, and comedians. The format is similar to Bailando por un sueño and El Show De Los Sueños: 11 participants called "Dreamers" star in a dance competition in which the winner will realize a dream that becomes public knowledge, either to resolve a personal problem or to help someone else. The program focuses on social assistance that can be provided to talented people who have no economic means to achieve certain goals. The tool that these dreamers have to overcome adversity is their talent for dancing. Eleven couples compete over 10 weekly galas, in which the couple who received the fewest telephone votes from viewers is eliminated. At the final gala, two couples compete to determine who will win the long-awaited fulfilment of their dream.
No episodes found for this season.