The Apprentice: Martha Stewart

The Apprentice: Martha Stewart is a reality game show and a spin-off from the series, The Apprentice, that ran in the fall of 2005. Broadcast on NBC, the show featured business tycoon Martha Stewart. Tasks were centered around Stewart's areas of expertise: media, culinary arts, entertaining, decorating, crafts, design, merchandising, and style. The tone of the show was somewhat muted compared to the original, as Stewart brought her own sensibilities to the elimination process, often using her catchphrase: "You just don't fit in" in contrast to original series host Donald Trump's catchphrase: "You're fired." She also wrote a cordial letter to the candidate who was fired; many times she took subtle jabs at the fired candidate and gave frank reasons for why the candidate did not succeed on the show. Several segments featuring Stewart were filmed at her home in Bedford, New York because at the time, she was serving the five-month house arrest portion of her ImClone scandal conviction.

Donald Trump, Mark Burnett and Jay Bienstock executive produced the show. Businessman Charles Koppelman and Stewart's daughter, Alexis Stewart accompanied the two teams during tasks and reported their observations to Stewart in the boardroom.

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Original Name

The Apprentice: Martha Stewart

First Air Date

September 21, 2005

Last Air Date

December 21, 2005










The Finale

Dawna must host a fashion show accompanied by Howie, Amanda, and Sarah. While Bethenny hosts a circus with Jim, Ryan, and a rebelling Carrie. The finale will feature the culmination of the final two tasks, a cast reunion and the live conference room hiring where the newest Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia employee will receive a $250,000 'apprenticeship' working alongside Stewart and her executives.

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