Bronze Age Apocalypse

Delves deep into the mysterious and catastrophic collapse of ancient civilizations during the late Bronze Age, as empires from Greece to ancient Egypt were wiped off the map. It explores the various theories and hypotheses that have emerged to explain their sudden downfall, revealing the tumultuous events that brought an end to a once-thriving era of human history. Through invasions, mega-droughts, natural disasters, and rebellions, we discover the complex web of factors that were involved. With stunning visual imagery, expert interviews and immersive storytelling, this film offers a fascinating glimpse into one of the most pivotal and enigmatic periods of human history. And it warns that we could be facing a similar combination of threats today.

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Created By

Katie Reisz


Returning Series

Original Name

L'apocalypse à l'âge du Bronze

First Air Date

June 29, 2023

Last Air Date

July 6, 2023






English, French

Production Companies



Episode 2

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