False Flags with Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan guides us through the history and implementation of covert operations, and the resultant media coverage, to reveal the ulterior motives behind such actions. We live in a world of illusions designed to keep us in a state of confusion and feeling hopeless. But we can free ourselves from these shackles of deception as we learn how this game is being played out, right before our very eyes. He shows us that false flag operations and propaganda are tools used to achieve specific ends that would otherwise be impossible to justify. We examine details from various historical events, from the great fire of Rome to the 9/11 attacks, to uncover the consequences for everyone involved. For some, this information may be difficult to accept. Stripping away the illusions can be painful at first, but having this knowledge is empowering, to the benefit of all humanity.

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Original Name

False Flags with Richard Dolan

First Air Date

July 25, 2017

Last Air Date

October 3, 2017







Production Companies

Gaia Productions




The Power of Knowledge

False Flags concludes with an examination of the increasing sophistication of false flag operations and Richard Dolan gives us a glimpse of their future developments. We live in an ever-changing world; even the nature of our governments has evolved right before our eyes. For those who have been watching, we have seen many countries transmogrify into security states. But it is not just governments that are using these tactics. A keen eye will see that major corporations have taken the reins of mainstream media to ply their narratives into the public psyche. It appears that false flags are here to stay, and it is imperative that we become aware of them, to stay empowered for positive change, for all.

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