Mise à nu

There are subjects that are barely spoken about, but which occupy a central place in the existence of every human being. Mise à nu offers a guided tour of certain parts of the body: breasts, buttocks, penis and vagina. With humor and lightness, but without coarseness, the documentary series presents the personal experiences and confidences of people of all ages about their private parts.

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Original Name

Mise à nu

First Air Date

November 10, 2015

Last Air Date

December 1, 2015






Production Companies


Canal Vie


Le vagin

Talking about the female sex is not easy. A well-camouflaged organ, the object of many taboos, it is perhaps the most intimate of all private parts. Even today, many women still seek to tame it and far too many men seek to control it. This does not prevent some courageous women from testifying on camera, with great frankness, about their relationship with their vagina. Childbirth, masturbation, first sexual relation, menstruation, vaginismus, orgasm: they are revealed with class, not shying away from any subject.

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