
Kodiak is a short lived, half-hour adventure program that aired Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m Eastern time on ABC during the 1974-1975 television season. The show revolved around the main character of Cal "Kodiak" McKay, an Alaska State Trooper. Kodiak, always accompanied by his Eskimo sidekick Abraham Lincoln Imhook, used his four-wheel drive truck to track down desperate killers through 50,000 miles of Alaska backcountry. The show was broadcast against NBC's mega-hit Sanford and Son. Kodiak couldn't lure viewers in to watch and was cancelled after the first episode, although a total of four episodes were aired. The show was filmed in Bend, Oregon Using the Old Skyliners Ski Lodge as the primary Meeting Place.

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Original Name


First Air Date

September 13, 1974

Last Air Date

October 4, 1974







Production Companies




The Last Enemy

Kodiak must stop an old war buddy, Buzz Howard, from terrorizing the countryside after a dynamite blast shocks him into believing he is fighting the war again under heavy combat conditions. Construction crewmen Buzz and Sam are about to detonate a dynamite charge when Buzz sees two hunters entering the danger zone. While trying on his two-way radio to get Sam not to detonate, Buzz dashes into the area. Sam doesn’t hear his radio and blasts. Buzz' mind is affected as the result of the concussion and he is triggered back to the Korean War. He runs amok, wounds a man, and then begins shooting up the countryside as if the people are the enemy.

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