Texas Justice is a syndicated American arbitration-based reality court show. In the program, cases were run by former Houston attorney Larry Joe Doherty, and the program was recorded at the studios of Fox station KRIV in Houston, Texas. The series lasted for 4¹⁄2 seasons in syndication from March 26, 2001 until May 20, 2005. It was cancelled in September 2005.
In most markets, the program was replaced by Judge Alex; that program also tapes at KRIV.
For a time in early February 2010, reruns of Texas Justice began airing on Ion Television until February 19. In, September 2010, the show was turned over to its sister network ION Life and aired there until September 2011. It currently airs at 7am and 12pm Monday-Friday, on YouToo TV.
No episodes found for this season.