It would seem that nothing is keeping the main character in Ivanovsk, especially since her sister Tamarka has settled well in Chicago and has been calling her for a long time. But she doesn’t go to America and doesn’t even want to.
Natasha Aleksankina
Slava Rechkin
Anfisa Gladilshchikova
Telman - passazhir v mersedese
Vera Titova
Liza Rechkina
Fedosov - zamestitel direktora khlebozavoda
Egor Kuzmich Stychkin - direktor khlebozavoda
Voloskov - inspektor militsii
Kharen - voditel mersedesa
Galina Viktorovna - domashnii kosmetolog
Zinaida Mikhaylovna - chlen zhensoveta
soldat v peregovorochnoy
Chekatikhina Vera Ivanovna
Gladilshchikov Potap Sergeevich
leitenant militsii (uncredited)
Original Music Composer
Production Design
Director of Photography