Minerva Monster

"In the summer of 1978 a creature stirred"

In August of 1978 a small town in eastern Ohio was thrust into the spotlight when a local family sighted a Bigfoot in the woods behind their home. Over subsequent evenings they were repeatedly visited by the creature culminating in a late-night encounter that ended in local police being called in.

Release Date

May 16, 2015



Original Title

Minerva Monster








Production Companies

Small Town Monsters

Small Town Monsters Collection

Part of

Small Town Monsters Collection

Includes: Minerva Monster, Beast of Whitehall, Boggy Creek Monster, Invasion on Chestnut Ridge, The Flatwoods Monster: A Legacy of Fear, The Bray Road Beast, Terror in the Skies, Momo: The Missouri Monster, The Mothman Legacy, The Mark of the Bell Witch, Skinwalker: The Howl of the Rougarou, American Werewolves, The Mothman of Point Pleasant, On the Trail of Champ, On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Discovery, On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey, The Dogman Triangle: Werewolves in the Lone Star State